Requirements : For NTLM the following library are needed in the classpath : a) jcifs-1.1.8.jar from JCIFS project b) jcifs-ext-0.9.4 from JCIFS-ext project Usage : the module authenticates a given username/password on a domain controler via NTLM protocol. If the user exists, the groups of the user are returned as roles (e.g. Domain Users, Domain Admins). The user principal class is org.jaaslounge.UserPrincipal. The role class is org.jaaslounge.GroupPrincipal. For general information see JAAS API official documentation. Web-apps : refer to the documentation of your server. Put jaaslounge-ntlm, jcifs and jcifs-ext jars in the correct classpath. Login module configuration options : debug = true|false : displays debug information mode = tomcat|jboss : organize user and role information according to tomcat or jboss implementation host = <"ip adress">| : address of Windows NT domain controller or Samba server domain = : NT or Samba domain name Example of login module configuration for Tomcat 5.0.x server : jaas.config : NT_Realm { org.jaaslounge.ntlm.NtlmLoginModule required debug=true mode=tomcat domain=MYDOMAIN host=""; }; security descriptor (.xml or server.xml) : Example of login module configuration for JBoss 3.2.x server : true JBoss MYDOMAIN Known bugs and limitations : - users without password cannot be authenticated.